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To this web site, there was a forerunner – the Keerikattu Kudumba Charithram (Keerikattu family history) that was published in 1983. At the time the Kudumba Yogam (family union) president Mr. I. Oommen, the senior-most living member of that time in his forward said the following: “I am too happy to write a forward to the Kudumba Charitram and thank God for that opportunity. 

Mr. C. K. Thomas has worked hard, taken pains in collecting data from house to house, visiting various places and spending a lot of time as also writing letters to collect information, get it compiled, printed to make it a reliable publication and is greatly appreciated. Those who are interested can learn about the various generations. In fact, this book of Keerikattu family history is engraved on reliable and factual data and a firm foundation on which the future superstructure can be built.

It is our endeavor that the Kudumba Yogam provides for spiritual nurture. This we have been able to do through organizing retreats thereby bringing the understanding of Christian responsibility among its members. I am grateful to the office bearers on this count.

Our family and the members came forward to mitigate the sufferings of others without being spectators. The program to provide housing for poor, educational scholarships, and help poor families to get their daughters married, etc. are benevolent acts in Christian spirit and devotion.

We are all not perfect, we have to, in faith, work towards mending differences step by step.

We will consider it a victory for the Keerikattu Kudumbam if we consider ourselves sons of one father, have fellowship with each other and demonstrate unity and growth which will be preserved as value by others.

Above all, let us accord love in fullness of relationship. Do not consider the family in its branches. Like the various branches of a tree provide beauty and shade, let us nurture our family tree and a lot of people will find comfort under it.

“Give and you shall receive” Let us make the above a reality in our lives. Do not forget to do good and have fellowship.

I thank all those who co-operated. I wish that this book (and website) of Kudumbam Charitram be a blessing to all.  


          I. Oommen,

   President, Kudumba Yogam (1983)


Mr. C. K. Thomas, the then Secretary and treasurer of Keerikattu KudumbaYogam took a lot of pains in collecting and compiling data and preparing the narrative of the Kudumba Charitram. The preface he wrote for the book is given below. During the beginning of the 15th century, the founder and leader of the Keerikattu family, Mr. Koshy, belonged to the famous ancient family – Thekke (South) Karingattil of Thumpamon came to stay in Venmoney.

This web site attempts to present the history of over 500 years of the Keerikattu family.

Members of the Keerikattu family are spread all over the world and are losing touch with each other. The information about the family is being lost without familial ties and regular meet. It is hoped that the updated publication of Keerikattu family history and the web site updated on a regular basis would offer to the growing generation, the valid and historical information on the Keerikattu family.

In fact, there was a brief history of 5 pages regarding 20 families that existed about 80 years ago. This 5-page book was useful in publishing the book on family history in 1983 with 84 families and 568 members living scattered in Venmoney Kurathicad, Pattur Thumbamon Vakayar, Edayaranmula, Palli Vasal, VellathuVal, Kottayam, Trippunithura, Ernakulam, Trivandrum, Pazhani, Nilgris, Nilambur, Madras, Bangalore, Delhi and other countries in the world.

Except for three men and three unmarried women in full-time gospel work, other members of the families are engaged in farming, teaching, business, nursing, doctors medical, lawyers, corporate employees, police personnel and some of the other professions.

There are only very few who are economically backward. Most of the members are well off financially. It is a matter of great pride that none in the Keerikattu family are landless or houseless.

This web site is meant for all who can access it, especially in this modern technologically advanced era as the new growing generations are much more computer savvy. Please ensure to show and explain to those who are not able to access it for lack of technological knowledge or language barrier.


   C. K. Thomas,  

  Secretary,   Kudumba Yogam (1983)


© For Suggestions and complaints please contact Mr. Earlin George Or Mr. K.S. Mathew 

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